Department for International Economic Cooperation

Head of the Department - Ms. Lesya Davydova
Deputy Head of the Department - Mr. Andrey Kosourov
Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Division - Ms. Tatiana Oinvid

The FAS Russia cooperates with international organizations and foreign authorities in the sphere of the antimonopoly policy, combating unfair competition practices and governmental regulation of natural monopolies.

FAS Russia

The international activity of the FAS Russia is focused on:

-          Contribution to integration of the Russian economy into the global economic area;

-          Realization of economic liabilities of the Russian Federation on issues, related to the competence of the FAS Russia;

-          Participation in development of conception of united European economic space;

-          Protection of Russian interests by participation in field-oriented international organizations;

-          Implementation of the best foreign experience to the Russian practice, advanced training of employees of the FAS Russia;

-          Preparation and realization of technical assistance from international organizations on behalf of the FAS Russia;

The Department for International Economic Cooperation conducts the international activity of the FAS Russia.

FAS and Finland competition authority signs a new cooperation programme
On 21 June 2017, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov had talks with General Director of Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority, Juhani Jokinen in Paris during a visit of the FAS delegation to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Andrey Tsyganov on delineating EAEU and FAS competences on control over compliance with the antimonopoly law
On 14 June 2017, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov discussed the balance between EAEU law and the national antimonopoly laws at the conference on “Common Eurasian markets – practical consequences for business” organized by RBC media holding and “Pepelyaev Group” law firm
Russia and China in the focus of changes in the world of exchange trading
“The result-oriented joint efforts in exchange trading are changing the nature of international economic relations and encourage mutually beneficial economic cooperation between Russia and China”.
Anatoly Golomolzin about protection from the dangers of replacing the “invisible market hand” with the “digital” one
The International Working Group for developing competition in information-communications technologies (ICT) met for the 8th time in Istanbul
Igor Artemiev held talks with UNCTAD Division Guillermo Valles
The parties discussed cooperation between the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) and UN Conference on Trade and development (UNCTAD)

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