Department for International Economic Cooperation

Head of the Department - Ms. Lesya Davydova
Deputy Head of the Department - Mr. Andrey Kosourov
Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Division - Ms. Tatiana Oinvid

The FAS Russia cooperates with international organizations and foreign authorities in the sphere of the antimonopoly policy, combating unfair competition practices and governmental regulation of natural monopolies.

FAS Russia

The international activity of the FAS Russia is focused on:

-          Contribution to integration of the Russian economy into the global economic area;

-          Realization of economic liabilities of the Russian Federation on issues, related to the competence of the FAS Russia;

-          Participation in development of conception of united European economic space;

-          Protection of Russian interests by participation in field-oriented international organizations;

-          Implementation of the best foreign experience to the Russian practice, advanced training of employees of the FAS Russia;

-          Preparation and realization of technical assistance from international organizations on behalf of the FAS Russia;

The Department for International Economic Cooperation conducts the international activity of the FAS Russia.

Andrey Tsyganov: it is multi-functionality that enables choosing the most efficient method of influencing issues
The international expert community discussed interaction between competition, industrial policy, and the global economy
FAS and the Norwegian Competition Authority are getting ready to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of competition policy
Signing the document will enable the bodies to reinforce cooperation in joint case investigation
FAS presented experience of adopting ICN information products
The Federal Antimonopoly Service is improving its leniency programme under the Guidelines for cartel enforcement of the International Competition Network (ICN). FAS was actively involved in drafting the Guidelines
Andrey Tsyganov: global deals on the agrochemical market require news approaches from the antimonopoly bodies
Considering global deals on the world agrochemical market, it is necessary to take into account their impact upon innovations in the context of patent-protected technologies used by the parties and “package” technological solutions offered to business
ICN experts exchanged experience of countering bid-rigging
It is necessary to create and maintain conditions for pro-competitive vector of the parties involved in public procurement

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