Extract from the Law of the RSFSR № 948-1 “On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activity on Goods Markets” (as amended on 26.07. 2006)

26.07.2006 | 12:20

Type: Laws

Law of the RSFSR, dated by 22.03.1991 N 948-1

(as amended on 26.07. 2006)

“On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activity on Goods Markets”


Article 4. Definition of the Basic Definitions

(as amended by the Federal Law of 25.05.1995, N 83-FZ)


This Law applies the following definitions:

the paragraphs second up to twenty fifth have lost effect – the Federal Law of 26.07.2006 N 135-FZ;

affiliates – individuals and legal entities, capable to influence activities of legal entities and (or) individuals, conducting entrepreneurial activity; (the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70 – FZ)

 affiliates of a legal entity are:

(the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70 – FZ)

member of its Board of management (supervisory board) or another collective executive, member of its collective executive, as well as the person, exercising powers of its single executive;

(the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70 – FZ)

persons, pertaining to the group of persons which the given legal entity pertains to;

(the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70-FZ)

persons, entitled to dispose of more than 20 per cent of the total number of voices, falling on the voting shares or on the deposits, making up the charter or pooled capital, stocks of the given legal entity;

(as amended by the Federal Law of 09.10.2002 N 122-FZ)

Legal entities, in which the given legal entity is entitled to dispose of more than 20 per cent of the total number of voices, falling on voting shares or deposits, making up the charter or pooled capital, stocks of the given legal entity;

(as amended by the Federal Law of 09.10. 2002 N 122 – FZ)

if the legal entity is a member of a financial and industrial group, members of its Boards of management (supervisory boards) or other collective executives, collective executives of members of the financial and industrial group, as well as the persons, exercising powers of single executives of members of the financial and industrial group, are his affiliates as well;

(the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70- FZ)

 affiliates of an individual, conducting entrepreneurial activity, are:

(the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70 – FZ)

persons, pertaining to the group of persons, which the given an individual pertains to;

(the paragraph is put into effect by the Federal Law of 06.05.1998 N 70 – FZ)

the legal entity, in which the given individual is entitled to dispose of more than 20 per cent of the total number of voices, falling on the voting shares or on the deposits, making up the charter or pooled capital, stocks of the given legal entity.

(as amended by the Federal Law of 09.10.2002 N 122 – FZ)

Part two lost effect. – Federal Law of 26.07.2006 N 135 – FZ.

Extract from the Law of the RSFSR “On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activity on Goods Markets”
(PDF, 128.37 Kb)

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