Penza OFAS opened a case upon signs of a “road cartel” for over 1 billion RUB

31-01-2017 | 21:10

The elements of the violation were identified in the course of training staff of FAS regional bodies in at its Centre for Education and Methodics in Kazan

The system of identifying cartels at electronic trading, devised by FAS, has proved its efficiency. Applying this method, Penza OFAS exposed signs of a cartel involving “DorMostAero” SSK” Ltd., “Volg-Proekt” Ltd., “Avangard” Research-and-Production Association” Ltd. at 14 road repair for the total sum exceeding 1 billion RUB.

A preliminary investigation showed that companies, participating in the auctions pairwise, eliminated competition between themselves, which increased and maintained the auction prices.

Penza OFAS opened a case against “DorMostAero” SSK” Ltd., “Volga-Proekt” Ltd., “Avangard” Research-and-Production Association” Ltd. upon elements of violating Clause 2 Part 1 Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”.

Head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department, Andrey Tenishev, commentedon the initiated proceedings: “Opening the antimonopoly caseis a result of testing the cartel identification system at electronic trading. It allows exposing cartels at e-trading by numerous parameters and proving cartels. Through testing the system, FAS has exposed cartels operating in over 40 subjects of the Russian Federation, and Penza cartel is one of them”.

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