17-06-2019 | 10:56

On determining the costs of gas transportation and storage outside the territory of the member-states of the Customs Union when selling gas outside the member-states of the CIS.


The costs for gas transportation and storage outside the territory of the member-states of the Customs Union when selling gas outside the member-states of the CIS determined in accord with the procedures approved by No. 107 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10 February 2015 was 3399 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) from 1 March 2017; 2573 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) since 1 March 2017; 2496 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) since 1 March 2018, and  is 2896 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) since 1 March 2019.


On determining Tr index calculated under Clause 14 Article 342.4. Chapter 26 Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:


From 1 January 2016, Tr index equaled 0 (zero).
From 1 January 2017, Tr index equaled 0 (zero).

From 1 January 2018, Tr index equaled 0 (zero).

From 1 January 2019, Tr index equaled 0 (zero).


The estimated price for selling gas outside the territory of the CIS member-states, determined in accord with the procedures established by No.107 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10 February 2015, for the tax period –June 2019 is 16,021RUB per 1000 m³ of gas (w/o VAT).


Information about estimated prices in 2015-2019:


Tax period







18 490.71

12 656

10 060

11 407

17 301


19 772

13 077

10 107

11 350

16 966


18 909

12 017

10 125

11 662

16 552


16 419

10 177

10 132

12 078

16 255


13 575

9 157

10 071

13 295

16 063


12 155

8 912

10 305

14 193

16 021


12 424

8 850

10 528

14 716



12 382

8 640

10 845

15 144



13 368

8 782

10 981

16 202



13 254

9 014

10 728

16 987



12 455

9 293

10 779

16 865



12 380

9 948

11 190

17 171



This indicator is employed to estimate the base value of a unit of fuel equivalent, specified in Clause 1 Article 342.4. Chapter 26 Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, used in its turn to calculate the tax rate for a tax period, provided for in Clauses 10, 11 Clause 2 Article 342 Chapter 26 Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.


On determining the costs of gas transportation and storage outside the territory of the member-states of the Customs Union when selling gas outside the member-states of the CIS.


The costs for gas transportation and storage outside the territory of the member-states of the Customs Union when selling gas outside the member-states of the CIS determined in accord with the procedures approved by No. 107 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10 February 2015 was 3399 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) from 1 March 2016, 2573 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) from 1 March 2017, 2496 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) since 1 March 2018, and 2896 RUB per 1000 m³ (w/o VAT) since 1 March 2019.


On the average price estimated under the Unified Gas Supply System for the gas supplied to consumers in the Russian Federation (except the population) (Pv)


Under Clause 3 of the Rules for determining the average price, estimated under the Unified gas supply system, for flammable natural gas supplied to consumers in the Russian Federation (except the population), the estimated prices for selling gas outside the CIS member-states and the costs of gas transportation and storage outside the member-states of the Customs Union when selling gas outside the CIS member-states (further on referred to as the Rules), approved by No.107 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.02.2015, the unified estimated price under the gas supply system for gas supplied to consumers in the Russian Federation (except the population) (P) is determined under the following  formula: Pv= PwholeNN/0.9955


where PwholeNN – is the ceiling minimal level of wholesale prices for gas used to determined the wholesale prices for consumers in the Nizhny Novgorod region, under Clauses 15(1) and 15(2) of the Main provisions for establishing and state regulation of gas prices, tariffs for the gas transportation services and the fee for technological connection of gas equipment in the Russian Federation, approved by No. 1021 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2000, for the tax period.


From 1 July 2015, based on No 218-e/3 Order of the Federal Tariff Service of 08.06.2015 (column 1 of the Appendix to the Order,) PwholeNN was 4034 RUB per 1000 m³ of gas. Pv was 4052 RUB per 1000 m³ of gas (4034/0.9955, rounded under Clause 2 of the Rules).


From 1 July 2017, based on No. 776/17 FAS Order of 13.06.2017 (column 1 of the Appendix to the Order), PwholeNN was 4192 RUB per 1000 m³ of gas. Pv was 4211 RUB per 1000 m³ of gas (4192/0.9955, rounded under Clause 2 of the Rules) and shall apply until a review of the wholesale gas prices in the Russian Federation.


Since 1 September 2018, based on No. 1088/18 FAS Order of 03.08.2018 (column 1 of the Appendix to the Order) PwholeNN is 4335 per 1000 m³ of gas. Pv is 4355 RUB per 1000 m³ of gas (4335/0.9955, rounded under Clause 2 of the Rules) and applies until the next review of regulated wholesale gas prices in the Russian Federation.


On average price, estimated under the integrated gas supply system, for gas (Prd), ensuring equal earning capacity of gas supplies for consumers in the Russian Federation and consumers outside the CIS member-states, RUB per 1000 m³, and on a decreasing coefficient (Cdecr), ensuring that changes in the increase of gas prices match the average parameters of the annual changes of the prices for gas supplied to consumers in the Russian Federation (except the population)


Prd was 6579.11533862543 per 1000 m³ from 1 July 2015,

and since 1 July 2017 is 4270.1457 per 1000 m³.


Cdecr was 0.6160 from 1 July 2015,

and since 1 July 2017 is 0.9861.


Prd and Cdecr values are published in line with No. 973 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.09.2014.

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