27-06-2019 | 12:34

Deadline was agreed between Deputy Head of FAS Anatoly Golomolzin and Chairman of the Government of the Irkutsk region, Ruslan Bolotov, during the discussion of the intermediary results of implementing the National Competition Development Plan on 20 June 2019


Deputy Head of FAS Legal Department Oksana Kuznetsova reported about the intermediary results of implementing the National Competition Development Plan and FAS involvement in national projects.


Anatoly Golomolzin commented the regional efforts to pursue the National Competition Development and reminded that the Irkutsk region is working on 33 targets.


In 2018 the number of violations by the authorities in the region decreased in comparison with 2017. At the same time, the share of public procurement from small and medium companies is decreasing, while the share of procurement from unitary enterprises is going up”, concluded Anatoly Golomolzin.


Analyzing the results of 2017, he also pointed out that the regional performance on implementing the Competition Development Standard was not high.


Deputy Head of FAS also mentioned that the Irkutsk region had undertaken due measures to create and establish antimonopoly compliance.


To remind, FAS signed an Agreement on Cooperation with the Government of the Irkutsk region in July 2018.


Deputy Head of FAS emphasized the results of joint efforts by FAS and the regional authorities on achieving the targets set by the National Plan and the orders issued following the State Council.


Summing up the meeting, Anatoly Golomolzin highlighted the need to mainstream the Road Map for competition development and approving it in the shortest time possible. He said that this work should be done taking into account FAS monitoring. The Antimonopoly Service will rely on its own information base, including the statistics on antimonopoly cases and violations of the law on procurement, as well as market analysts and NGOs.


Anatoly Golomolzin informed about joint pilot projects with Interfax on analyzing the progress in achieving the targets of the National Plana and achieving considerable changes in regional economies.


According to the analysis, improvements are necessary in road construction, on the markets of pharmaceuticals and oil products, support to small and medium business should be expanded. These conclusions match the results of control over violations of the antimonopoly law and the law on public procurement carried out by Irkutsk OFAS.


The parities made a decision to present a refined draft Road Map by 1 September 2019, which should outline measures in view of the analysis of the violations exposed by the antimonopoly body and Interfax materials.


Following our meeting, information about the work in different regions will be published monthly. The situation should be evaluated not only by federal and regional authorities by also by public at large, and the All-Russia People’s Front, that is engaged in this work”, summed up Anatoly Golomolzin.

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