02-07-2019 | 17:15

Working Group for interaction in the course of competition support measures in Moscow


Head of Moscow OFAS Armen Khanyan and his Deputies, Ekaterina Osipchuk and Nikita Poleschuk discussed the state of competition on Moscow markets with representatives of the Tender Committee, Moscow Department of Economic Policy and Development, and Chief Moscow Control Department.


Armen Khanyan pointed out that most segments of Moscow markets are stable and Moscow is implementing successfully a set of measures specified in the National Competition Development Plan.  


“So far, there is no question of big issues on Moscow market. Moscow shows sustainable competition. This is not a reason to relax, though, and we always keep our eyes on the ball and monitor the situation. At the same time, the methods used to evaluate the state of competition o various markets are constantly added. And we will promptly make Moscow aware about adjusting these techniques in view of the regional specifics”, says Head of Moscow OFAS


Overall, transparent competitive environment can be formed only through comprehensive measures given in the National Competition Development Plan, drafted by FAS, and the Regional Competition Development Standard, believes Head of Moscow Competition Policy Department, Gennady Degtev.


He explained: “Both documents form a systemic approach to evaluating competition in different fields, highlighting the main development points. Constant experience exchange is necessary to create an atmosphere of successful entrepreneurial competition, either when informing about the current state of markets or at training events for representatives of business or ordering parties.  Everything can be simplified, uniting efforts and synchronizing the regulations”.  


The participants agreed to continue integrated work on developing competition in Moscow: share information, organize joint events for all market players.

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