25-07-2019 | 13:51

Deputy Head of FAS gave this information at a meeting with Head of Khakassia, Valentin Konovalov


On 15 July 2019, Deputy Head of FAS Sergey Puzyrevskiy was on a working visit to Abakan, Khakassia, where he took part in a meeting on implementing the National Competition Development Plan and an Agreement on Cooperation singed between FAS and the Government of the Republic of Khakassia last year.


“The main task is to focus on competition development in view of particular performance indicators at the federal, regional and municipal level of power”, said Deputy Head of FAS.


Disusing the intermediary competition support results for Khakassia, Sergey Puzyrevskiy pointed out that antimonopoly compliance is introduced by 20 executive bodies.


“It is already possible to state that governance based on pro-competitive mechanisms decreases violations of the antimonopoly law. For instance, violations of the Federal Law “On protection of Competition” by the regional authorities in Khakassia went down by 61%”, highlighted Deputy Head of FAS.


He also informed that elements of competition are gradually emerging in the areas traditionally associated with the state as private companies are entering these sectors increasingly more actively: pre-school education and children’s leisure, inter-municipal transportation, services under mandatory medical insurance, housing-and-utility services and some other areas.  


“It shows support to small and medium business in Russia. Regarding Khakassia, the share of procurement where only small companies and socially oriented non-profit organizations participate increased by 20.21 %”, commented Sergey Puzyrevskiy.


Deputy Head of FAS also had a meeting with staff of Khakassia OFAS. He talked about integrating the National Competition Development Plan and National projects approved by the President of Russia.


“These documents are of the same level. Due to its powers and that goals set FAS is in the epicenter of a whole complex of work on improving the situation in the economy”, emphasized Sergey Puzyrevskiy.

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