31-07-2019 | 11:51

Monopolisation of Big Data and the importance of access of all players to them were discussed at INNOPROM International Industrial Fair


Starting her speech at the Digital Automobile Industry: Creating an Ecosystem of New technologies and Services”, Nelli Galimkhanova, Head of FAS Industry Control Department, pointed out the fact that  with changes in the automotive industry and its digitalization, consumption models in transport service are also changing.


“To get from point A to point B we used to take predominantly personal or public transport, not increasingly more people employ completely new services: taxi,, car sharing, online-services for searching car fellow travelers”, said the speaker.


Most of these services are related to collecting and analyzing Big Data on consumer conduct, preferences, geography of moves, vehicle conditions  and servicing, etc. Their use not only helps support higher consumer expectations but also competitive advantages for the companies that have access to the relevant technologies and data.  


“Data are the new-time resource. The main our concern today, in the context of digitalization, is how to ensure access of all players to big data and technologies in such a manner that there is no market discrimination”, explained Nelli Galimkhanova. “The issue is open since the market is just establishing. Therefore, we must carefully study the market, consider all pros and cons, and take into account the balance of interest to maintain incentives for technological development”.


Answering the question who should act of “AvtoData” platform operator, Head of FAS Industry Control Department insisted that it should be an independent player. If the function is performed by an association, as market participants think, the risks of cartels and adverse consequences for competition on the market increase considerably.  


Nelli Galimkhanova summed up: “it is essential that an operator of such data ensures the principle of openness and non-discriminatory access to such data. Also, actions of this entity must not be aimed at anticompetitive, unfair practices forbidden by the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”.  




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