31-07-2019 | 11:56

FAS methodological Council shall forward Recommendations to regional executive bodies aimed at preventing violations of the antimonopoly law in outdoor advertising


On 8 July 2019, FAS held a regular meeting of its Methodological Council to discuss the H1 2019 results. Representatives of regional FAS Offices presented the results of H1 projects. Experts also analyzed draft Recommendations for regional executive bodies and local self-government bodies on a package of measures designed to prevent violations of the antimonopoly law in the field of outdoor advertising.


Chairman of the Methodological Council, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov said: “it is always easier to prevent violations rather than correct their consequences. Therefore, FAS priority is to work on violations prevention, particular, in advertising, to avoid possible adverse consequence and cultivate “healthy” market relations in this field”.  


Deputy Head of FAS reminded that following the session of the State Council of the Russian Federation on competition development, outdoor advertising is included in the priority list for regions to support competition in Russia. Under the National Competition Development Plan the key target is reducing violations of the antimonopoly law by the authorities and local self-government bodies at least twofold by 2020 in comparison with 2017.


At the same time, government regulation of outdoor advertising is localized at the municipal level so persons involved in business operations in outdoor advertising depend directly on the decisions made by local self-government bodies in this sector of the economy. In practice, economic entities face situations when actions of local self-government bodies in the field of outdoor advertising are unreasonable and do not meet the requirements specified by the antimonopoly law and the law on advertising.  


“Local self-government bodies independently solve local issues related to the specifics of disseminating outdoor advertising since they touchthe powersto use, own and dispose of municipal property. That is why following our meeting we have decided to forward FAS-drafted recommendations as intendedto regional authoritiesto exercise measures aimed at developing competition in advertising in relevant regions”, clarified Deputy Head of FAS.


The Methodological Council considered the final draft of the White and Black Books of pro-and anti-competitive practices for 2018. Пресс-конференция с участием Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov gave a press-conference on the issues on 22 July 2019.



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