22-08-2019 | 14:26

Due to new solutions and mechanisms of competition development, more than half of the municipal budget revenue in 2018 was given by small and medium business

On 21 August 2019, the participants of the National Conference on “Developing competition in municipalities in the subjects of the Russian Federation” learned about the practice of developing competition in Odintsovo City District, the Moscow region.

According to Deputy Head of the Municipal Authority, Pavel Kondratsky, a developed business support infrastructure, transport accessibility, and openness of the local authorities are attractive for small and medium companies in Oditsovo and facilitate their growth. It is worth emphasizing face-to-face communication of representatives of local authorities and businessmen in the form of personal weekly meetings, specialized Round Tables as well as offsite meetings in companies’ premises.

Thanks to the above measures, Odintsovo municipality is on the first place in developing small and medium companies in the Moscow region: the revenue from this category of economic entities accounts for over 50% of the overall revenue to the municipal budget.

An Electronic Digital Register of participants of consumer markets and services was presented at the event. The aim of the Electronic Register is to promptly provide updated information to the market players.

According to Head of FAS Fiscal Control Department Vladimir Mishelovin, "such electronic intermediaries constitute an interesting form of supporting small business, particularly farms. I.e., companies can place information about themselves, their goods and services in these registers and choose potential business-partners”.

"Thus, businessmen, even individual entrepreneurs, are able to not only announce themselves on the market, but also reduce their costs, including logistics. For example, the interested buyers, which may be stores, can find out about the assortment of goods and purchase the goods that they like”, said FAS representative.

The Conference participants also learned about modern co-working centres, operating in Odintsovo municipality.

Vladimir Mishelovin commented the work of the centres: "Such facilities are very helpful to businessmen for starting and developing business. The more such centres we have, the more changes there are for small and medium companies to help them grow, new partners will emerge not only in their district and region but also in the neighbouring ones. And perhaps in the neighbouring countries”.

In his opinion, the experience of developing such centres should be disseminated, as it was with multi-functional centres, since they are useful for not only obtaining services but also forming new relations.


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