30-08-2019 | 17:21

Deputy Head of FAS took part in the meeting of the Public Council at Magadan OFAS

“It is obvious for everybody that the task of establishing public control mechanisms over the measures aimed at competition development are on the top of the agenda. The National Competition Development Plan and the National projects should be implemented jointly with the expert and business communities”, said Sergey Puzyrevsky.

To pursue the openness principles for the authorities, robust efforts are being undertaken to develop the system of Public Councils at FAS regional Offices. Deputy Head of FAS emphasized the efficiency of the Public Council formed by Magadan OFAS.

“Such expert groups are collective helpers that assist antimonopoly bodies in finding efficient ways to achieve the targets of the National projects and National Competition Development Plan. They undertake efforts to model and evaluate the consequences of the proposed decisions upon competition”, pointed out Sergey Puzyrevsky.

On the first day of his visit to the Magadan region, Deputy Head of FAS also had a meeting with the staff of Magadan OFAS. Sergey Puzyrevsky praised highly the resulted achieved by Magadan OFAS, set new tasks and priorities in ties work, and described the main trends in developing the antimonopoly bodies in Russia.

Deputy Head of FAS outlined the priorities in the work of the antimonopoly authority, including control over public procurement, natural monopolies and cartels.

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