04-09-2019 | 12:04

Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service had a meeting with staff of Dagestan OFAS

On 3 September 2019, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev was on a working visit to Makhachkala. During his meeting with the staff of Dagestan OFAS he pointed out that “FAS used to fight for establishing a regulatory framework for competition development; now we have it”.

He reminded, for example, about such fundamental regulatory documents as the Presidential Order, which approved the National Competition Development Plan.

“Besides, the Government passed 18 sectoral competition development programmes and, the most important – following the State Council, the President instructed all regions of the Russian Federation to approve their competition development plans and start implementing them”, continued Head of FAS.

Regarding the functions of the Antimonopoly Service, Igor Artemiev said that apart from suppressing violations of the antimonopoly law, particularly, decartelization in various sectors, FAS must pay significant attention to competition development. “We should shift from a protective function to a constructive function. At the same time, we should work in close cooperation and synergy with regional authorities to reach the goals”, emphasized Head of FAS.

Igor Artemiev highlighted the importance of unifying the practice of FAS Central Office and regional Offices. For instance, he called upon OFAS staff to watch the practice of the Central Office on particular cases, especially in public procurement.

“If you make this approach a rule, you work will be much easier. There will be no need to start all over again every time”, saidHead of FAS.

He reminded that it is essential to meet the deadlines in administrative cases: “In FAS Central Office missing limitation periods on administrative cases is a crime”.

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