06-09-2019 | 15:54

Stats-Secretary, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsarikovskiy and Head of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania had a meeting during the visit of Deputy Head of FAS to the region

On 5 September Andrey Tsarikovskiy and Vyacheslav Bitarov discussed the state of competition in the region.

Vyacheslav Bitarov praised the efforts undertaken by the Federal Antimonopoly Service to support competition in Russia.

He pointed out that “market economy cannot develop without competition”.

The parties also considered the measures included in 2018 - 2020 National Competition Development Plan.*

Andrey Tsarikovskiy emphasized considerable worked carried out by North Ossetia to fulfill the National Plan: by order of the Head of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania in 2018 priority markets were chosen in 2018 (formalized by an order issued by Head ofthe Republic of North Ossetia – Alania).

Deputy Head of FAS pointed out that North Ossetia is the first region that has implemented antimonopoly compliance at the level of Republican government bodies.

Andrey Tsarikovskiy specially highlighted good working collaboration between the Leadership of the Republic and North Ossetia OFAS. In 2018 an Agreement on Cooperation was singed between FAS and the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania.

Discussing further work, Deputy Head of FAS underlined the need to control that the fund allocated for the National Projects are allocated in a transparent manner: “Huge funds are given and the Antimonopoly Service will pay careful attention to control how these funds are distributed”.

“Such work is needed”, confirmed Head of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, stressing that frustrating the National Projects by mala fide suppliers is unacceptable.

We must constantly solve two tasks: ensure goods prices for the state and at the same time make sure those unfair companies are not involved in project execution”, summed up Andrey Tsarikovskiy.

* Approved by No. 618 Order of the President of the Russian Federation “On the main directions of the state policy on competition development” of 21.12.2017


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