26-09-2019 | 15:33

As a co-chair of the CIS Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy, Head of FAS Igor Artemiev described development of Russian competition policy at the modern stage. He highlighted large-scale changes on the markets, which require radical changed in approached to antimonopoly regulation of economic sectors


On 17 September 2019, the VI BRICS Competition Conference included the 50th, jubilee session of the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy (ICAP).


We live at the time when markets have become absolutely different. Violations remain the same but the content is changing considerably. We reacted to the changes with firing revolutionary laws, in particular, drafted the fifth antimonopoly package and some other acts”, commented Igor Artemiev.


He concluded: “It is already the forth revolution in the internet, biotechnologies, medicine, that has changed a lot. We must keep on with this train so we work in parallel on new law and enforcement”.


Igor Artemiev specially emphasized the need to reform tariff regulation:


We do not want to regulate tariffs the old way: 52,000 tariffs per year that must be changed annually. Prime costs say nothing. Other indicators should show company’s profit margins, its actual cost-effectiveness”, pointed out Head of FAS.


“Cross-border barriers, that exists particularly in the CIS, the Customs Union should be removed”, stated Igor Artemiev.


Head of FAS informed about the largest cases and ne FAS projects, including the “Big Digital Cat” and the “Big Digital Dog” designed to target the online-space.


Summing up, Igor Artemiev praised productive work of the Council and outlined the areas for further work that must be fulfilled suing modern electronic approaches.


“We have put enormous efforts and done a lot but it’s time to search for new approaches, form a new agenda. New definitions markets, their geographic and product boundaries should appear”, summarizedHead of FAS.



The Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy was formed in December 1993. The Council coordinates activities of the CIS member-states on antimonopoly regulation, facilitate conditions for fair competition and harmonization of the competition law within the CIS.

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