26-09-2019 | 16:00

Head of FAS Igor Artemiev held bilateral talks with Chairperson of the Competition Commission of India, Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta


On 17 September 2019, Head of FAS Igor Artemiev had a bilateral meeting with Chairperson of the Competition Commission of India, Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta during the VI BRICS Competition Conference.


Igor Artemiev emphasized successful experience of collaboration under the frame of BRICS Coordination Committee on Antimonopoly Policy and BRICS Working Groups on studying competition issues on socially important markets as well as active co-chairmanship over the Working Group on automotive markets.  Head of FAS specially highlighted the timeliness of a study launched by the Commission to analyze competition on the car manufacturing sector.


“Our multi-year cooperation has been very successful. We carry out interesting studies on very diverse socially important markets and try to put them to order. Gradually, through joint efforts, we succeed”, said Head of FAS at the outset of the meeting.


Representatives of the Competition Commission of India also praised highly FAS activities under the Working Group on pharmaceuticals and expressed hope that joint efforts of this BRICS Working Group and coordinated work prices for medicinal drugs will be reduced.


Head of FAS pointed out that BRICS Antimonopoly Centre is an example of successful collaborative projects. The parties discussed further activities of the Centre and its transition from to online to a fully-fledged form.


He said: “BRICS Centre that we formed on a virtual basis can be transformed into a “brick-and-mortar” research centre where representatives of our countries will discuss mergers so that by the time of approving them we already have a clear-cut, joint position”.


The parties discussed possibility to form a Centre for training BRICS competition experts – an International BRICS Training Centre in Kazan on the basis of FAS Centre for Education and Methodology.


Its objectives will be professional retraining and qualification advancement of BRICS specialists on the main areas of antimonopoly regulation and competition policy, studying and summarizing international experience on antimonopoly regulation and competition policy, organizing joint studies in the field of competition law, antimonopoly enforcement practice and coordinating interaction in this field.

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