27-09-2019 | 16:15

The bodies signed a joined order to form an inter-departmental Working Group in order to increase efficiency of preventing, exposing and suppressing violations of the law on countering unlawful use of insider information and market manipulation as well as preventing, exposing and suppressing violations of the  antimonopoly law


Head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department Andrey Tenishev who will head the Working Group pointed out: “Various anticompetitive practicesand market manipulation practices are constantly transforming and improving. In this context, establishing efficient interaction between agencies is so far one of the most effective ways to counter such conduct of economic entities. One of the main objectives of the Working Group will be mutual information and experience exchange that will be accumulated by the agencies on preventing, exposing and suppressing different violations”.


Dmitry Makhonin, Head of FAS Department for Regulating the Fuel-and-Energy Complex and Chemical Industry; Deputy Head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department, Anton Teslenko; and Alexander Razin, Deputy Head of Department for Control over Financial Markets also joined the Group.


Fatima Koneva, Head of Digital Investigations Unit, FAS Anti-Cartel Department, will provide organizational support to the Group.


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