30-09-2019 | 09:15

The document was approved by FAS Public Council


FAS, along with other authorities, is an executor of the order of the President of the Russian Federation on the main directions of the state policy for competition development. Under the order, all federal bodies must devise and adopt antimonopoly compliance.


Head of FAS Legal Department Artem Molchanov pointed out: It is easier to prevent violations rather than offset their adverse consequences. If the authorities or companies can prevent a potential violation or reveal it at an early stage and stop it, such prudence can reduce the burden of adverse consequences significantly. To this end, certain organizational efforts are necessary to form an efficient system that can adequately expose risks and analyze processes and legal norms”.


FAS drafted 2018 Report on in-house antimonopoly compliance that analyses the exposed risks, the results of in-house appeals, judicial practice, complaints regarding execution of administrative regulations, the results of inspections carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office, the Audit Chamber, etc.


“Together with FAS Public Council, we have reached certain conclusions. First, compiling a list of compliance-risks, it is necessary to take into account such factors as areas of FAS activity where violations can be committed and the legal mechanisms that can reduce the risks”, added Artem Molchanov. “Second, to decrease probability of violations or minimize their consequences, the Antimonopoly will consider devising a Road Map to reduce FAS compliance-risks, which will include particular measures necessary to eliminate the exposed risks”.


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