03-10-2019 | 15:14

The visit of the Chinese antimonopoly authority took place during the VI BRICS Competition Conference


At a bilateral meeting of top officers of Tatarstan OFAS and FAS Centre for Education and Methodology with the SAMR delegation led by Deputy Minister of the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China, Madame Gang Lin, the participants exchanged experience in competition protection and development and discussed various areas of their work. General Director of the Antimonopoly Bureau, Wu Zhenguo; General Director of the Quality Development Bureau, Juan Golyan; and Director of the Competition Policy and International Cooperation Department of the Antimonopoly Bureau, Zhai Yunpen, also took part in the event.


Chinese colleagues showed a big interest in OFAS practice for exposing violations in the field of unfair competition and advertising, schedules and unscheduled inspections, countering collusions, and analysis of public and municipal procurement. The parties shares information about the most frequent violations and holding violations administratively liable, discussed the practice of issuing warnings and a danger degree of exposed violations. They also paid attention to multi-year efficient cooperation between the antimonopoly bodies of Russia and China.


Summing up the meeting, Igor Pavlov, Deputy Head of Tatarstan OFAS said: “It is also important for us that the visit happened under the frame of the 10th BRICS jubilee and that the colleagues from the Antimonopoly Bureau, of the People’s Republic of China, chose Kazan where the first BRICS Competition Conference took place 10 years ago and were interested in learning about the work of our OFAS. The meeting of two agencies was interesting and educational for each of us. We exchanged experience, discussed enforcement practice, found out which of the violations revealed by us are known to the Chinese colleagues. Cooperation between our two countries, especially within BRICS has a multi-year fruitful nature.  No doubt, the future of our joint efforts will be similarly effective for both parties and the visit will open new opportunities for cooperation”.


On the day of its visit, the SAMR delegation also took part in the events at the General Consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Kazan and at the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Tatarstan Deputy Minister of Economics, Natalia Kondratova stated: Tatarstanwas and remains one of the leading regions in Russia, attractive in terms of developing international cooperation. China is not an exception: its business projects are developing successfully in Tatarstan. During the visit of the Antimonopoly Bureauof the People’s Republic of China, we shared our vision of competition development. In particular, we described the intermediary results of implementing the National Competition Development Plan. It should be pointed out that for two years in a row Tatarstan is on the 1st rank among Russian regions for competition development and we continue our efforts to improve the investment climate, form favourable competitive environment and popularize entrepreneurship”.

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