08-10-2019 | 11:16

“Regulation in healthcare: pressing issues of circulating and supplying medicinal drug and medical products” Forum in Kazan brought together representatives of the government bodies, business and the expert community. Their common goal is to fin answers to the most acute challenges facing the healthcare system


The event at FAS Centre for Education and Methodology was opened by Stats-Secretary, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsarikovskiy: “Healthcare is always full of discussions. There are not identical recipes and simple solutions”.


He pointed out that all recent efforts of FAS in the healthcare field are designed to profoundly reconsider the already existing initiatives. It concerns, for example, a draft law on medicinal drugs substitutability.


“Today, jointly with the colleagues from the Ministry of Healthcare we have been able to find a compromise enabling us to move forward. Without this law we cannot provide medicines to the population at normal prices”, emphasized Andrey Tsarikovskiy.


Head of FAS Department for Control over Social Sphere and Trade, Timophei Nizhegorodtsev summarized: “The Forum was masterminded as a working discussion of practical issues. Anyhow, there is an essence and if you understand it and can use it, you understand all regularities, you can build up a set of effective solutions. The objective of the today’s event is exactly to comprehend the essence in a calm environment. Ultimately, we must, based on fundamental knowledge and principles, change the current healthcare system, make it maximum oriented towards the absolute majority of the population of Russia. I am confident that through these discussions we will be able to move a step further to this goal to the benefit of our Motherland, the benefit of our people”.


Apart from public procurement of drugs and medical products, pricing, innovative models of drug supply, the Forum also discussed such issues typical for the healthcare sector as cartelization, advertising of medicinal drugs and dietary supplements.

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