08-10-2019 | 11:29

An independent expert opinion of Global Competition Review


In view of Global Competition Review (GCR), an independent journal that annually evaluates work of the leading competition authorities in the world, FAS has increased efficiency, and, as a result, is ranked higher among the agencies that meet the highest world standards.


In September 2019, GCR published 2018 competition agencies performance ranking where FAS improved its position considerably, being now on the 11-19 place, climbing up from the 19-34 group. Since the US has two bodies ranked, Russia (along with other countries from its group) is in the TOP-10 states with the most efficient competition enforcement.


Apart from FAS, only 3 bodies improved their ranking in 2018. Russian antimonopoly authority is now in the same category with the competition agencies of Canada, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Singapore, being ahead of Austria, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and other countries in terms of performance efficiency.


According to GCR, Russian antimonopoly authority is on the threshold of moving form the “Good” category of agencies to the group of countries with a higher status – “Very Good” and “Elite”.


Evaluating the results in 2018, GCR points out that FAS successfully overcomes antimonopoly challenged in the digitalized economy. The Antimonopoly Service devised a digital package of antimonopoly amendments to the law on competition protection, which, if adopted, will make Russia the second country in Europe with “digital antimonopoly law”. FAS efforts on considering global mergers deserves special attention, the same as its leading role in BRICS cooperation and drafting a special package of requirements and obligations to execute measures designed develop competition in the agro-technological sector of Russia for the Bayer/Monsanto merger.


“We intend to continue enhancing our efficiency and strengthening our position among the countries with advanced regimes of competition. Fulfillment of the National Plan, further improvement of competition enforcement in the new digital reality and active promotion of Russian initiatives on international platforms will heal us to this end”, believes Head of FAS Igor Artemiev.


“FAS started on the 34th place in the ranking of Global Competition Review, and now we are in the TOP-10. I think it is a significant achievement. We are now at the same step as the competition authorities of Canada, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and Spain. It is a good company but we plan to develop further”, stated Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov.


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