24-10-2019 | 13:32

In 2019, the “Crystal Orange” Student Contest includes also themes on antimonopoly regulation. The awards reached the heroes


On 24 October 2019, the winners of the XIX Open National Contest of student works in PR and media technologies – “Crystal Orange” received awards at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.


This year, FAS for the first time asked students who participated in “Crystal Orange” to write works on promoting ideas of fair competition.  Head of FAS PR Department Irina Kashunina handed Diplomas over to the Contest winners in the nominated category – “Public Relations and Media Technologies in the Work of Government Agencies”.


I Degree Diplomas are awarded to:


Students of St Petersburg State University Kirill Serebryakov and Vladimir Sobyanin for the work on “Communication strategy of City Head in cultural and religious conflicts”;


And students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Maria Zelenina and Maria Sychkova for an application – “Together [InPlace] as a communication tool”.


II Degree Diploma is given to students of Ulyanovsk State Technical University Anatoly Spirin and Anzhelika Klinkova for the work “Club “#askaquestion” – you decide!”


III Degree Diplomas are awarded to:


A student of Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Violetta Lebedeva for the work “Municipal fundraising: a formula for successful territorial development”;


And a student of Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Anna Samsonova for the work “Social advertising for FAS”.


Special Diplomas are awarded to Anastasia Gromova, a student at Vyatka State University for the work “Do not become a throwback”; students of Far East Institute of Management, Dmitry Serikov and Ivan Akopyan for the work “PRо image of a public servant in the eyes of a modern student”, and Alexander Bryauke, a student of St Petersburg State University for the work on “Public communications at the Ministry of Defence”.


According to Irina Kashunina, “this year, FAS for the first time asked students to immerse in the world of antimonopoly regulation and try to find unorthodox and modern solutions for promoting competition ideas – an important social value. And although not many works were submitted strictly on the antimonopoly topics, we hope to promote the project in the future and that students will become more active in this particular field”.


Irina Kashunina concluded: “We’d like to see new ideas and scenarios, your young and modern vision as to what can be improved in FAS work, how to conquer new audience, what are other ways to show that competition is a value, based on which Russia can achieve an economic breakthrough. We are expecting your works next year. I wish you new victories and Crystal Oranges”.




Open National Contest of Student Works in Public Relations and Media Technologies – “Crystal Orange” is a youth educational projects that has been in place for 19 years. During this period is has become popular and gained reputation all over Russia. Today thousands and university students and graduates from 39 cities of Russia take part in the Contest. In expert opinion, the Contest is in the TOP-10 student contest in the Russian Federation and No.1 Contest in the sector of public relations and communications.


The Contest Objective: find talented students, facilitate their career start and professional growth, therefore, helping to shape the future intellectual elite of Russia.


The Organizers: “Crystal Orange” Youth Centre for Public Relations Development, the Commission for Developing Information Community, Mass Media and Mass Communications’ at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Russian Public Relations Association (RASO), the Association of Public Relations Lecturers (APSO).

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