28-10-2019 | 14:16

Meeting took place in Seoul (Korea) involving representatives of the member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Delegation of the Federal Antimonopoly Service led by Deputy Head of FAS Public Procurement Department, Veronika Trutneva took part in the “Innovations in Procurement” workshop organized by Korea Public Procurement Service jointly with the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Representatives of EAEU member-states shared opinions and respective national practices of procurement procedures in their countries.

Veronika Trutneva outlined the procedure and control over procurement, and the laws regulating public procurement and procurement by state-run companies in the Russian Federation.

She pointed out that currently the most popular forms of procurement are electronic auctions and electronic tenders. All information about procurement is placed in the electronic form in the Unified Information System. Thanks to the existing competitive environment at tenders and auctions, 1 trillion RUB or more than 14 billion euro budgetary funds were saved in public procurement in 2018.

Highlighting the plans for developing the procurement system in Russia, Veronika Trutneva pointed out that FAS proposes to introduce a new system of procurement – an electronic store, enabling to perform procurement in a single day. Complaints regarding such procurement also shall be considered online within several hours. It is also expected that in the near future all complaints and the entire pre-action correspondence will take place in Unified Information System.

At the workshop, the participants listened to reports made by top officers of Korea Public Procurement Service on their practice of public procurement control, including the KONEPS system developed in 2002, the Electronic Government system, public procurement in construction, anti-corruption policy and the work of the Public Procurement Training Institute in Korea.

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