09-12-2019 | 17:42

The I All-Russian “Rally” of the Public Councils of the Antimonopoly Service discussed the goals, objectives and the scope of responsibility of FAS Public Councils


The event that took place at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on 5 December, got together more than 200 representatives of NGOs and business associations. The purpose of the “Rally” is to create a system of control over competition development by the society in the regions of Russia and at the federal level, and devise innovative approaches and tools of interaction between FAS Public Councils.


The plenary session was moderated by Andrey Sharonov, Chairman of FAS Public Council, President of SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management, and Vladislav Grib, Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on Public Oversight and Interaction with Public Councils.


Head of FAS Fiscal Control Department, Vladimir Mishelovin discussed the prospects of developing Public Councils at the antimonopoly authority. He reminded about an Order of the President of Russia [1] that set the goal to establish a system of Public Councils based on FAS public advisory councils.


“I think that together we have fulfilled the task. What next”? said Head of FAS Fiscal Control Department. “Draft 2021-2025 National Competition Development Plan embeds a new idea: to move to a fully-fledged system of public oversight over competition development and execution of the National Plan based on the system of public and expert councils formed at the antimonopoly authority”.


Talking about the goals of Public Councils, Vladimir Mishelovin paid attention, in particular, on assistance and control over achieving the targets of the National Projects and ensuring pro-competitive approaches fulfilling them.


Moving to the mechanism of interaction between Public Councils, the speaker emphasized that “only the Central Office of FAS has только 26 sectoral Expert Councils, and we believe that they should be part of the overall system of public oversight of competition development. And certainly engage the potential of the academic community: 54 specialized Departments in the leading universities of Russia”.



[1]№ 618 Order of the President of the Russian Federation “On the main directions of the state policy for competition development” of 21.12.2017.

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