07-12-2019 | 17:48

The mainstreamed Map comprises measures for 33 markets. The system-wide measures concern development of competition in the region in general as well as in particular spheres of the regional economy.


Kabardino-Balkaria plans a set of measures for developing the private sector and creating favourable conditions for private companies on the markets. For instance, it is expected that the share of commercial entities in passenger transportation on municipal routes will increase from 50% to 70%. One of the measures designed to achieve this Road Map target is organizing regular routes in view of proposals submitted by private carriers. Kabardino-Balkaria is also going to increase the share of commercial entities on the market of services for collecting and transporting solid household waste by 10% - from 80 to 90%.


Kabardino-Balkaria has already reached the maximum figures in many spheres – 100%: the market of residential housing construction, road works (except design), cadastral and land use works, seed growing, light industry, and other sectors of the economy.


Under the frame of the Agreements on Cooperation with regions, FAS, with involvement of its regional Offices, provides support in drafting Road Maps on competition development and approves them. So far, FAS has received 82 Road Maps for approval, most of which are already considered and more than one third of the Road Maps are approved. Deputy Head of FAS Legal Department Oksana Kuznetsova commented: “At the same time, doing this work, FAS summarizes the best practices that will be recommended for use to all regions of Russia”.


FAS has also drafted the Guidelines on devising Road Maps that contain an approximate list of measures, which can be expanded by regions.

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