09-12-2019 | 17:50

“It includes cybersecurity threats and облегчение facilitation of illegal economic operations”, said Deputy Head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department Anton Teslenko at the VII National Conference “Competitive intelligence & Economic security”


The event focused on the most pressing aspects of enterprise security and elaboration of efficient decisions and recommendations in view of active digitalization of the economy and market specifics.


Anton Teslenkowas an expert at the section on “Informational-and-analytical efforts in economic security: improving processes and technologies”.


He highlighted the most typical changes in anticompetitive agreements in the digital epoch and gave examples of “digital anticompetitive practices”, drawing attention of the conference participants to the FAS position with regard to use of information technologies in commerce, particularly, related to use of price algorithms.


The speaker also discussed administrative and criminal liability for cartels and other competition-restricting agreements as well exposing and proving such actions.


“Discussions about issues associated with crypto-currencies and mining, neuro-technologies, artificial intelligence and robocars have been going for a while. Unfair market participants already use various computer programs in bid-rigging anti-competitive agreements. In view of practically full transition of public procurement in the electronic form and the overall scope of such procurement , exposing and suppressing digital “invasion” on competition require no less attention and discussion than the achievements of the forth industrial revolution”, pointed out Anton Teslenko, summing up the event.

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