19-12-2019 | 19:16

FAS and the Government of Ingushetia singed an Agreement on Developing Competition


On 16 December, in Magas, Deputy Head of FAS Alexei Dotsenko and Head of Ingushetia, Makhmud-Ali Kalimatov had a working visit on approving the key targets for developing and approving competition plans in the Republic of Ingushetia.


Head of Ingushetia emphasized the significance of developing competition in the region and the importance of collaboration with FAS.


“According to President of Russia Vladimir Putin, violating the antimonopoly law is an offence comparable to treason. Head of the state believes that restricting competition incurs colossal damages to the economy and without solving the problems in this sphere we will not be able to move forward. Still, there are a lot of issues and shortcomings in the antimonopoly regulation in Ingushetia. Hopefully, through collaboration with FAS we will be able to create favourable conditions for developing Ingushetia economy”, summed up Makhmud-Ali Kalimatov.


Deputy Head of FAS expressed the readiness of the antimonopoly body for close cooperation with the Ingushetia Government towards developing competition in the region.


“Competition is an acute issue in Russia in general, and in Ingushetia, in particular. In 2018 FAS signed an Agreement on Developing Competition and executing the National Plan with Ingushetia. During this period some changes should have taken place: selecting the markets as prime targets for developing competition in Ingushetia, and determine the indicators. Action Plans must be drafted for each segment. We believe the time has come to summarize intermediary results, see what has been achieved and what has not. FAS is ready to provide the necessary assistance, a certain impulse so that next year Ingushetia can fulfill the plans and reach the targets. No doubt, it will have a positive effect upon Ingushetia economy, which will be felt by every person in Ingushetia”, pointed out Alexei Dotsenko.


Deputy Head of FAS Legal Department Oksana Kuznetsova highlighted the intermediary results of executing the National Competition Development Plan in Ingushetia. She reminded that 2020 is the final year in implementing the Plan so achieving the targets is essential.


“Ingushetia shows good dynamics in decreasing the number of unitary enterprises. In 2018 their number went down by 6.93%. I.e., good efforts are being undertaken by Ingushetia towards reducing the state share in the economy”, emphasized Oksana Kuznetsova.


Oksana Kuznetsova reminded about approving a new Competition Development Standard about robust efforts to draft and mainstream Road Maps. Ingushetia is not an exception here.


“I believe that in the near future we will be able to make sure that the measures specified in the Road Map are truly result-oriented rather than formal.  Fulfillment of those measures will help support development of real economy, competition and entrepreneurship in Ingushetia as well as in Russia in general”, concluded Deputy Head of FAS Legal Department.


The main outcome of the meeting was signing the Agreement on Developing Competition between FAS and the Ingushetia Government.

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