30-12-2019 | 11:15

Studying the soya market, FAS experts revealed significant dependence of crop growing in Russia from import of seed materials

On 26 December 2019, experts presented the findings of a study of competition environment on the market of soybeans for seeding to FAS Commission on market analysis.

The experts concluded that due to the sharp changing of the world model of agricultural business that implies a broad use of high-yield plant varieties, developed by means of the modern micro-biology, a heavy dependence of Russian crop growing on import of seed material has developed. Soya is one of the most import-dependent crops along with sugar beet, winter rape, sunflower and maize.

Chairman of the Commission on Market Analysis, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganovcommented the survey findings: “Reducing dependence on imported genetic materials requires an integrated approach. As the main recommendations for reducing such dependence, FAS advises to tighten state support measures for selection and seed growing, technical and technological modernization, establishing and developing self-regulated organizations of crop breeders and seed growers, improving regulatory framework, particularly, in the field of protecting intellectual property rights. These measures will facilitate favourable climate and development of seed growing in Russia”.

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