27-02-2020 | 18:19

Chairman of the FAS Public Council reported about the results of its work at an event in Moscow


On 19 February 2020, the senior staff of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation had a working meeting with Chairmen and Executive Secretaries of the Public Councils at federal executive bodies. President of Moscow School of Management – Skolkovo, Chairman of the FAS Public Council, Andrey Sharonov outlined the results achieved by the Council that he leads.


“Traditionally FAS has had a lot of reference groups. It has 26 specialized Councils that unite professionals from narrow fields – commerce, advertising, procurement, etc. The Councils are formed based on FAS inner needs, to be able to discuss painful issues facing on the one hand, the regulator, and business on the other hand, with consultants and opponents”, started his speech Andrey Sharonov. “Therefore, FAS Public Council was not something new and alien; it was founded on already established traditions”.


Chairman of the FAS Public Council emphasized that there is no single government official in the Council, and all experts are interested in antimonopoly policy due to their profession – they represent small, medium and large business, and legal firms. Andrey Sharonov informed that in 2019 FAS had decided to create a system of Public Councils at the regional Offices:


“Councils are formed at all 84 regional Offices. In December we held the first meeting of representatives of regional Public Councils at the Public Chamber’s venue”.


Andrey Sharonov also highlighted the role of the FAS Public Council.


“On the one hand, we are advisors, on the other – opponents. Antimonopoly policy is a very complex component. It should facilitate economic development. Therefore, we must find a healthy balance”, concluded Andrey Sharonov.

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