05-03-2020 | 14:26

On 28 February 2020, FAS presented its practices of attracting personnel to state civil service and working with FAS human resources to the participants of St Petersburg International Labour Forum


Head of FAS Public Service Department, Ekaterina Belousova, was a speaker at the session on “Searching talents for public and municipal civil service”. She outlined the staffing practices instrumentalised by FAS.


For several years, the Antimonopoly Service has been organizing events, the purpose of which is to attract new staff to public service. Such projects include a thematic session at the “Artek” national camp for school children - “The Economy of the Future – Fair Competition”; the First National Academic Contest (“Olympic Games”) for students and schoolchildren in the Perm region; the “Point of Growth” National Essay Contest; as well as internships and trainings of university students at FAS.


To develop its in-house talent pool and improve staff motivation, FAS has devised and introduced special programmes for personnel training – “Effective talent pipeline” and for creating a team of the positive changes leaders – “#LEADERS FAS”, as well as professional contests.


Addressing the Forum participants, Ekaterina Belousova said: “We, like our colleagues in other bodies, face subjective and objective factors that one way or another influence staff stability and employee’s professional skills. The approaches to attracting and developing personnel, however, that we have managed to develop and implement recently, generate good results. For our part, FAS is always open for cooperation and is ready to share our practical experience with colleagues”.




St Petersburg International Labour Forum is the largest event in Russia in the field of labour and human capital development for HR specialists, representatives of the legislative and executive branches of power, experts and scholars.


The IV Forum discussed some pressing issues of executing the National Projects, increasing labour productivity, maintaining and developing human capital as the key resource of civil public and municipal services, migration policy, inclusion of the disabled in the labour market and social employment, as well as exchanging the best HR-practices.


The Forum is organized by St Petersburg Government, St Petersburg State University, the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member-states with support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Russia and the Federal Labour and Employment Service.

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