11-03-2020 | 18:37

FAS ordered the “Investment Company of Vnesheconombank” to organize an auction for sale of a land plot and non-residential premises in the Mosrentgetn village near Moscow


“Economica” Main Project Management” complained to the antimonopoly authority about “VEB Capital” (the “Investment Company of Vnesheconombank” Ltd.) According to the claim, “VEB Capital”, as the organizer of an auction for sale of federal assets, failed to provide a possibility for the claimant to see over the property offered for privatization.


In December 2019, “VEB Capital” published an auction notice on its official web-site. The company intended to sell a land plot with a non-residential building in the Mosrentgetn village in the Moscow metropolitan area.


As a potential buyer, “Economica” decided to take part in the auction. Prior to the event, company representatives wanted to see the lot in-person.


According to Deputy Head of FAS Department for Control over Construction and Natural Resources, Oksana Malaya, “the FAS Commission has established that on 10 January 2020 the claimant sent an enquiry to the auction organizer to the e-mail address, which was not specified in the information notice. Taking it into account, the antimonopoly body has no reasons to believe that the auction organizers breached the norms of the Law on privatization undertaking efforts to organize the auction. Accordingly, the arguments outlined in the complaint are unfounded”.


The claimant simultaneously sent an enquiry about seeing the assets to the Federal Agency for Public Property Management [Rosimuschestvo]. The latter responded to the claimant that an order was given to the regional Office of Rosimuschestvo in Moscow to organize seeing of the auctioned off property. The Moscow Office, however, failed to fulfill the order.


Head of FAS Department for Control over Construction and Natural Resources, Oleg Korneev stated: “In view of the established factors, FAS ordered “VEB Capital” to set a new auction time frame so that in the end the claimant and other stakeholders can check out the property and take part in the auction”.

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