18-03-2020 | 14:27

FAS is ready to assist and support new Departments of Antimonopoly Regulation in the regions of Russia


The 15th session of FAS Research-and-Methodology Council of Educational Organizations and Departments of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation took place on 13th March. The event was moderated by Deputy Head of FAS Sergey Puzyrevsky.


Opening the session, he outlined currently central FAS-drafted laws, including a version of 2021-2025 National Competition Development Plan (submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation on 10 March), a draft law on forced licensing, and the reform of unitary enterprises.


Head of FAS Legal Department Artem Molchanov reported about the work of FAS Research-and-Methodology Council in 2019.


“The goals and objectives were set by us in advance back in 2015.We talked about summarizing practice and theory, discussed that it is necessary to create a methodological basis for work of training and educational establishments and Departments. Nowadays, development of public policy, the Orders issued by RF President даеториентирдля for educational activities, give reference points, which students’ skills should be deepened and how, what should they master and which branches of law should they know to become competent in the antimonopoly sphere”, pointed out Artem Molchanov.


3 new base Department were formed in Russia in the past year:


- Department of Antimonopoly and Tariff Regulation in Chechnya State University;


- Department of Antimonopoly Regulation in Kostroma State University;


- Department of Antimonopoly Regulation and Procurement of Marii El OFAS at the Institute of Economics, Management and Finances of Marii El State University.


“These are our colleagues who we should support, share experience and perhaps invite them for training. We have already done it, when the colleagues and representatives of Departments underwent training at the Competition Law Department, Kutafin Moscow State Law University in 2019, which was good support to their work”, said Artem Molchanov.

Head of FAS Legal Department informed that since 2015 the number of Departments of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation increased from 19 to 55, which is an impressive progress.


In 2019, the Council discussed the Report on the State of Competition in the Russian Federation in 2018, the structure of the Report on the State of Competition in the Russian Federation in 2019, a draft concept of 2021-2025 National Competition Development Plan; a model Road Map for regions on developing competition, FAS legislative initiatives on reforming natural monopolies and tariff regulation; and a draft law on antimonopoly compliance.


The objectives for 2020 comprise devising 2021-2025 National Competition Development Plan and drafting the Annual Report on the State of Competition in the Russian Federation in 2019, codification of the antimonopoly law, and discussing important antimonopoly enforcement practices for the purposes of drafting explanations, and summarizing the outcome of fulfilling 2018-2020 National Competition Development Plan.


Head of Saratov OFAS, Deputy Chair of the Research-and-Methodology Council Lyudmila Borisova, described a working programme for an academic course on “Procedures in Competition Law”.


Dr. Tatyana Volkova (Law), a federal judge of the 12th Arbitration Appeal Court, presented a multi-author monograph of the Council experts – “Legal mechanisms and procedures for environmental rights protection: the national and international aspects”.


Prof. Sergey Bogolyubov (Law), the academic supervisor of the Environmental and Agrarian Law Department, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, reported about development of competition in natural resources management.


Dr. Maxim Beloborodov (Economics), Assistant Professor, Head of the Civil Law and Procedure Department, School of Law, Far Eastern Federal University, discussed the need to protect the interests of domestic producers from external threats on the market of children’s toys and the efforts undertaken by the Department towards competition development.



FAS Research-and-Methodology Council of Educational Organizations and Departments of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation was formed to create a system and coordination mechanisms for developing research and education at Departments and Centres in the field of antimonopoly regulation,  summarizing the results of their work and drafting plans. The Council members include 9 holders of advanced doctorate degree and 25 doctorate holders representing 36 regions of Russia. The Council meets quarterly.


More information about FAS Research-and-Methodology Council on:

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