18-03-2020 | 16:13

Actions of “Capital Construction Department” State-Owned Enterprise, “Agregat” Ltd. and “Construction Equipment and Mechanisms” Ltd. resulted in maintaining prices at auctions and restricting competition


FAS opened an antimonopoly case against “Capital Construction Department” State-Owned Enterprise of the Republic of Khakassia, “Agregat” Ltd. and “Construction Equipment and Mechanisms” Ltd. upon elements of violating the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” [1].


The government customer and auction participants are suspected of concluding anticompetitive agreements at the auctions for the right to supply and construct a modular outpatient clinic and paramedical-and-midwifery stations in the Republic of Khakassia.


Violations of the antimonopoly law in the course of executing the “Healthcare” National Project were exposed with help of the Investigation Bureau of the United People’s Front and in collaboration with the law enforcement bodies.


Head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department, Andrey Tenishev pointed out: “Interacting the law enforcement bodies and with help of activists of the United People’s Front, FAS is undertaking systemic efforts to control fulfillment of the National Projects. A number of antimonopoly and criminal cases are opened due to numerous antimonopoly violations in the course of executing the National Projects. Collusions not only restrict competition at auctions, but also overrate the initial (maximum) prices of government contracts, the time line is breached, and customers accept poor quality work and goods. All this threaten execution of the National Projects”.


[1] Clause 2 Part 1 Article 11 and Clause 1 Part 1 Article 17.

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