20-03-2020 | 16:36

The situation with prices and goods availability in the region is stable, it is necessary to maintain it, preventing price growth and shortage


Stats-Secretary, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsarikovsky discussed it at the meeting with food producers and the largest wholesale suppliers in the region.


He pointed out that “there is no emergency at all, there is no shortage of goods, but one-time demand can increase, and it is necessary to be ready. Civil liability should be shared”.


Andrey Tsarikovsky stated that FAS monitors carefully pricing on the food markets. In this context, FAS carried out several “dawn raids” in Moscow, the Moscow region, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and St Petersburg on 18 March.


Based on the outcome of considering inspection findings, a decision will be made whether there are elements of collusion and a company’s intent to create shortage а in the conditions of excess demand for food.


Andrey Tsarikovsky also said that FAS Working Group for monitoring prices on drugs and medical products is transformed into the Control Centre on the markets of food, drugs and medical products, that constantly monitors prices and goods availability and undertake antimonopoly remedies in case of an unreasonable growth of prices and information about shortage.


In a complicated epidemiological situation, it is necessary to especially thoroughly provide all the things needed to the population and watch closely any attempts of some businessmen to rake in a fortune on excess demand. FAS constantly monitors food, drugs and medical markets and if any elements of violation are exposed, will immediately apply all measures available to suppress them”, emphasized Andrey Tsarikovsky.

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