24-04-2020 | 11:24

Public statements about the expected growth of prices for Russian fish and fish products in the absence of underlying objective reasons are unacceptable


On 21 April 2020, General Director of the Fishery Information Agency made the following statement in the “City Standard” programme of the “Moscow24” TV channel: “Prices will reach after the global prices on the world fish market. Accordingly, domestic prices will also go up in Russia”.


Head of FAS Anti-Cartel Department, Andrey Tenishev pointed out: “FAS has warned repeatedly earlier and we say it again: such kind of unreasonable statements must not be made, especially in the developing economic environment. They bring chaos to the market and can result in growing prices event without objective factors for this. Such information is especially incorrect since there are no reasonable grounds at the moment to increase prices for fish caught in the territory of the Russian Federation. Any corporate attempts to follow such pseudo-forecasts and unreasonably overrate prices will be interpreted as violations of the antimonopoly law. I warn you that sanctions will be severe”.

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