28-08-2020 | 09:39

Implementation of the principles of network neutrality to ensure non-discriminatory access to OTT-services* was one of the best achievements in 2019

In 2015, the FAS Russia with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation,  the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, experts of the Open Government and independent experts, representatives of the communication industry and ICT community, developed the principles of network neutrality, which are designed to ensure free access of citizens to information and content.

However, in summer 2019, these principles were violated. The conflict between Beeline and Mail.ru Group broke out and resulted in slow-down apps work.

The companies accused each other of deliberately apps speed limit, in particular, Beeline subscribers had problems with access to VKontakte and other services of the holding.

This problem drew attention of the FAS Russia.

“The situation affected not only the interests of companies that publicly exchanged mutual claims, but also a significant number of users of communication services and various applications. The FAS Russia sent requests for clarification to the parties to the conflict. We also conducted an additional detailed analysis of the market to draft decisions on such situations in the future,” said Elena Zaeva, Head of Department for Regulation of Telecommunications and Information Technology of the FAS Russia.

The Authority’s task was to restore end-user access to information, the ability of users to distribute it or work with applications and services at their own discretion.

Due to the actions of the FAS Russia, consumers of PJSC VimpelCom got access once again to VKontakte on terms comparable to those of other Telecom operators.

“The FAS reminded market representatives of the inadmissibility of "peer-to-peer wars" as well as the need to ensure interaction between market participants in order to maximize customer satisfaction and improve the quality of services provided.

The Antimonopoly Authority also established the opportunity to manage traffic to the extent necessary to ensure the integrity of the network and the safety of consumers and the state in cases directly provided for by Federal law,” summarized Elena Zaeva.


* over-the-top, distribution of content "over" the communication network, using the Internet Protocol HTTP

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