19-10-2020 | 11:56

As part of the study of the problems of competition in the social sphere and in the commodity markets of non-production services, the antimonopoly authority sent requests for information to the relevant industry associations, unions and non-profit organizations.

In connection with the creation of a new Department for Control of the Social Sphere, Trade and Non-productive Services in the structure of the FAS Russia, the Authority is strengthening its work in the social sphere and in the product markets of non-productive services. We are talking about the development of competition in the field of education, science, culture, social protection, sports, tourism, as well as in the markets of such non-production services as catering services, protection of apartments and facilities under voluntarily concluded contracts, appraisal activities, etc.

To study the problems of developing competition in the mentioned markets, the FAS Russia sent requests for information to industry associations, unions and non-profit organizations. The antimonopoly authority asks the participants in these markets not only to identify the problematic points in terms of competition that they face in their activities, but also to offer their own vision of how to solve them.

“As a regulator, it is extremely important for us to learn firsthand about the most pressing issues that require our direct assistance. Our goal is to find systemic solutions to existing problems of developing competition in the social sphere and in the retail markets for goods and services. We understand that only in the process of dialogue and cooperation will we be able to work out the most effective ways to solve those problems that hinder the development of fair competition, and, consequently, negatively affect the availability and quality of goods and services offered to our citizens,” said Nadezhda Sharavskaya, Head of the Department for Control of the Social Sphere, Trade and Non-production Services of the FAS Russia.

The antimonopoly authority invites experts to cooperate and proposes to formulate existing problems for the development of competition in the social sphere, as well as proposals for their solution.

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