11-05-2021 | 11:40

The Board of the FAS Russia held an extended meeting in the Republic of Crimea – one of the key events for the antimonopoly service

During the meeting, the results of the service’s work over the past year were summed up, and the plan for development in the longer term was discussed. The enforcement practice was summarized; unified approaches to work were formed.

Sergey Aksenov, the Head of the Republic of Crimea, welcomed the participants of the meeting. He noted the contribution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service to the development of the region.

"Due to the regional specificity, the issues of antimonopoly regulation are particularly relevant for us. The same applies to the development of competition, tariff regulation, state and local procurement control, suppression of price fixing and many other aspects, " the head of the Republic of Crimea said.

He also noted the effectiveness of cooperation with the FAS Russia during the pandemic and emphasized that the Regional Government and the antimonopoly service will make decisions for the benefit of citizens.

Maxim Shaskolsky, the head of the FAS Russia, made a report summarizing the work of the FAS for 2020 and outlining the service`s main goals and objectives for 2021.

Those include: implementation of measures to ensure a stable environment in socially important commodity markets, improvement of antitrust, tariff, and procurement legislation, creation of conditions for the suppression of cross-border violations and consideration of global transactions of economic concentration, implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the development of competition in certain sectors of the fuel and energy complex, pricing and tariff regulation not higher than the inflation rate of regulated activities. "Our goal is tosupport business development, attract as much investment in the economy as possible, prevent violations of the legislation, and protect the interests of every citizen of our country," he concluded.

Nikolay Zhuravlev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Alexey Ivanov, Director of the Institute of Law and Development of the Higher School of Economics-Skolkovo, and Aleftina Timoshenko, Assistant to the Head of the FAS Russia also spoke at the meeting.


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