01-06-2021 | 16:51

Such a measure will create conditions for competition in the aviation fuel supply market, exclude an unreasonable increase in tariffs for refueling aircraft and storing aviation fuel, and will also have a positive impact on the cost of flights for airlines.

The new order of the FAS Russia* updates the list of subjects of natural monopolies providing services at airports, the state regulation of which is carried out by the federal antimonopoly service.

The need for this was shown by a joint inspection of the FAS Russia with territorial offices and the prosecutor’s office. It turned out that a number of fuel filling companies (FFC) with signs of natural monopolies set tariffs for their services independently, which violates current legislation.**

After identifying such organizations, six FFCs operating at several regional airports and one FCC operating in Moscow region were additionally included in the list. The list of organizations regulated by the FAS Russia also includes 9 major airport operators, whose passenger traffic is 250 thousand passengers per year.

In addition, organizations, that ceased operations and for which no regulation and control was exercised, have been excluded from the list. FFCs operating in the same region shall be regulated by the regional executive bodies at the location of operation, which will enable them to quickly make decisions taking into account the specifics of each FFC.

Thus, the order divides the functions of the FAS Russia and the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in tariff regulation of organizations providing services for refueling aircraft and storing aviation fuel at airports, as well as those included in the list of subjects of natural monopolies.

*Order of the FAS Russia No. 164/21 of 01.03.2021 «On amending the Annex No. 3 to the Order of the FAS Russia No. 1189/17 of September 8, 2017 «On approval of the list of subjects of natural monopolies providing services in transport terminals, ports and airports which state regulation is carried out by the FAS Russia» (Registered on 27.05.2021 under No. 63659)

** The Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 293 of April 23, 2008 «On state regulation of the prices (tariffs, charges) for services of subjects of natural monopolies in transport terminals, ports, airports and services for using inland waterways infrastructure».

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