06-08-2021 | 12:10

The Authority continues to work on the document together with the expert community

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Public Council under the FAS Russia Andrey Sharonov. The position of the FAS Russia on the issues on the agenda was represented by the Deputy Head of the FAS Russia Daniil Fesyuk and the Heads of relevant departments.

Artem Molchanov, Head of the Legal Department of the FAS Russia, made a report on the main aspects of the development of competition in the Russian Federation. He drew attention to the key results and problem points of the implementation of the National Plan for 2018-2020, outlined the main goals and objectives that are fixed in the draft National Competition Development Plan for 2021-2025, including:

- ensuring effective and transparent management of state and municipal property;

- development of small and medium-sized businesses;

- digitalization of antimonopoly and tariff regulation;

- deregulation of the spheres of natural monopolies;

- unification and systematization of state and municipal preferences to economic entities;

- development of organized (exchange) trading.

During the meeting of the Public Council, the possibility of improving the structure of the report on the state of competition and the structure of its presentation were discussed.

The members of the Public Council supported the draft National Competition Development Plan for 2021-2025 of the FAS Russia.

At the end of the event, the participants of the Public Council discussed the development of exchange trading as a tool for ensuring competition in the commodity market. Alexey Rybnikov, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council, proposed to move the consideration of this issue directly to the site of the exchange in order to assess the effectiveness of exchange trading as a modern trading tool.


For reference:

The Public Council is a permanent advisory and consultative body of public control.

Its main objectives are: to exercise public control over the activities of the FAS Russia, including consideration of projects being developed by socially significant regulatory legal acts; to participate in monitoring the quality of public services, the implementation of control and supervisory functions, the progress of anti-corruption and personnel work, evaluating the effectiveness of public procurement, reviewing the annual activity plans of the FAS Russia and a report on their implementation.

Meetings of the Public Council under the FAS Russia are held at least once a quarter.

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