15-02-2022 | 09:52

Ms. Karina Taukenova, Deputy Head of the FAS Russia, spoke at the ICN Advocacy Workshop 2022

During the session «Advocating competition at the local level» Karina Taukenova discussed key measures that the FAS is taking to advocate competition in Russia.

Currently the FAS Russia is actively working on the implementation of the National Competition Development Plan in the Russian Federation for 2021-2025. This large-scale project involves almost all sectors of the economy.

As a part of its implementation, regional authorities, together with the Regional offices of the FAS Russia, have developed «road maps» for the development of competition – separate for each subject of the Russian Federation. They take into account the economic characteristics of the region and determine the strategy for the development of the regional economy for the next four years. According to the FAS, the achievement of the indicators of the National Plan will make a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy.

It is important to note that the implementation of the previous National Plan contributed to the development of competition advocacy in various sectors of the Russian economy: we abolished national and intra-network roaming, banned the activities of unitary enterprises in competitive markets and gave impulse to the development of exchange trading.

Besides, the FAS Russia supports the development of mechanisms for self-regulation of markets, which is inextricably linked with the introduction of antimonopoly compliance. This mechanism allows a company or an authority to reduce the risks of violating the law and prevent the occurrence of negative consequences: fines, losses and damage to business reputation. Currently, 100% of the authorities of the Russian regions have adopted acts on antimonopoly compliance.

“In our work, we try to maintain a balance between the interests of business and the state antimonopoly policy. Our task is to ensure fair, understandable and equal conditions for market activity,” said Karina Taukenova, Deputy Head of the FAS Russia.

She also noted that the FAS pays special attention to the development of antimonopoly legislation and the improvement of preventive measures. The regulator issues clarifications of legislation, actively interacts with the business community, and also constantly improves mechanisms for informing about its activities through the mass media.


For reference:

The International Competition Network (ICN) is an association of antimonopoly authorities of various countries of the world, focused on improving law enforcement practice, as well as on developing proposals for the convergence of antimonopoly legislation. It carries out its activities through a Steering Committee consisting of leading antimonopoly authorities, including the FAS Russia.

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