14-03-2022 | 16:14

In order to operatively monitor the price situation in socially significant product markets, FAS plans to shorten the preparation of documents related to the implementation of antimonopoly measures.

It is assumed* to reduce the period of internal procedures related to the issuance of a warning to two working days. At the moment, the deadline for issuing warnings in accordance with the Law on Protection of Competition is 10 days**.

This measure is applied for public statements that may lead to the conclusion of an anticompetitive agreement between market participants or lead to the formation of artificial hype demand in the market, which ultimately may negatively affect prices for the end consumer.

FAS notes that the warning is a preventive measure of an antimonopoly response.

This tool allows you to prevent planned anticompetitive actions in socially significant product markets, as well as to reduce the number of antimonopoly cases initiated and fines imposed based on the results of their consideration.


Issuing warnings about the inadmissibility of actions that may lead to a violation of antimonopoly legislation is provided for in Article 25.7 of the Law on Protection of Competition

*The draft order “On approval of the procedure for sending a warning about the inadmissibility of actions that may lead to violation of antimonopoly Legislation and its form” is posted on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts for public discussion

**At the moment, the deadline for issuing warnings is 10 days (Part 5 of Article 25.7 of the Law on Protection of Competition, Order of the FAS Russia No. 1318/15 of December 28, 2015 “On Approval of the Procedure for Sending Warnings about the Inadmissibility of Actions that may lead

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