FAS has identified the tasks of improving tariff regulation

24-03-2022 | 17:00

On March 23, 2022 Maxim Shaskolskiy, the Head of FAS welcomed the participants of the Seminar “Long-term tariff regulation in modern conditions. Projects and results”.

The Head of FAS said that the main principle of tariff regulation is to achieve a balance of economic interests of consumers and regulated entities. The infrastructure currently needs investment projects and renovation. At the same time, the pace of tariff changes should take into account the interests of consumers.

Maxim Shaskolskiy stressed that control over the economic validity of tariffs will be strengthened.

As Sergey Puzyrevskiy, the Stats-Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS has noted, according to the results of 2021 the Authority prescribed to exclude 6.93 billion rubles of unjustified funds from tariffs. This indicator is almost three times larger than in 2020. The Authority also issued 67 prescriptions to regulators on the elimination of violations. The fulfillment of FAS prescriptions allowed to reduce tariffs for the solid municipal waste service in a number of regions. In 2021 it decreased by 16% in the Amur Region, by 5.89% - in the Belgorod region, by 4.5% - in the Ulyanovsk region.

Moreover, FAS Russia conducted 14 inspections of regional tariff authorities and considered 136 applications for pre-trial disputes and tariff disagreements as well as 105 administrative cases.

In his turn, Vitaly Korolev - Deputy Head of FAS said that the establishment of long-term tariffs allow to attract 5.4 billion rubles in 2022 for the reindustrialization of housing and public utilities services.

In the period 2022-2024 the establishment of long-term indices for “pilot” regions for utilities will increase investments in housing and public utilities services infrastructure by 21.5 billion rubles. It will help to modernize existing heating mains, water pipelines and other housing and public utilities facilities that are important for citizens. In the future, it will reduce major utility accidents. At the same time, state will protect citizens from unjustified growth of tariffs for housing and public utilities services.



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