31-03-2022 | 10:36

Anti-monopoly measures under sanctions became the key topic of the Antimonopoly Forum organized by Association of Corporate Lawyers with the support of FAS.

Nelly Galimkhanova, the Deputy Head of FAS, emphasized in her speech the importance of compliance by Russian companies with the principles of responsible pricing, taking into account supply and demand in the domestic market of the Russian Federation.

The speaker noted that in the current conditions of high volatility, setting prices for domestic consumers based on export quotations can lead to negative consequences.

Prices in foreign markets reflect the conditions of demand and supply of that country in which such indicators were formed, and not the Russian market, where conditions may differ significantly.

The Deputy Head also spoke about possible ways to reduce the hype demand for various goods in the current conditions. So, it is necessary to work with the entire distribution chain and create transparent rules for pricing and purchasing goods.

Besides, issues of state regulation of business in the field of competition were discussed during the event. According to Sergey Puzyrevsky, the Stats-Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS, the reasons for the prices increases on the commodity market require in-depth analysis, because they relate not only to objective factors, but also to the individual behavior of economic of economic entities.

The topic of parallel import was also discussed during the session. The speaker noted that the Authority has consistently advocated the legalization of parallel imports in Russia. In the current conditions, this measure will contribute to an increase in the number of economic entities importing goods to Russia, which will saturate the domestic market with original goods, as well as reduce prices for products sold.

Besides, issues of control over economic concentration were examined during the forum. Andrey Tsyganov, the Deputy Head of FAS, drew attention to the importance of such control in the new realities and noted that its improvement should be done taking into account the current economic conditions.

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