04-04-2022 | 11:13

A similar mechanism is already working in the market of motor gasoline and diesel fuel. It allows to reduce the cost by 4 thousand rubles per 1 ton of fuel.

Maxim Shaskolskiy also invited organizations that supply LPG for the needs of the population to purchase this energy resource at exchange auctions.

In addition, the Head of the Authority said that it is worth working out the issue of changing the formula for calculating the rates of export customs duties for certain categories of goods produced of oil.

The Head of FAS touched upon the topic of liquefied natural gas (LNG). He said that market pricing in this segment allowed consumers and suppliers of natural gas to implement effective gasification investment projects using LNG, if the construction of new gas pipelines to the connection facilities was more expensive.

According to Maxim Shaskolskiy, an essential condition for the formation of a fair price for this type of energy resources will be the presence of inter-fuel competition in regional markets.

The Head of the Authority stressed that article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition prohibits the establishment and maintenance of monopolistically high prices. Thus, there are mechanisms in the antimonopoly legislation for monitoring potential abuse by economic entities when setting the cost of energy resources.

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