11-04-2022 | 18:00

In connection with numerous appeals from citizens, FAS conducted inspections in the sugar market. The Authority revealed the facts of violations of antimonopoly legislation both from manufacturers and from intermediaries and retail chains. Antimonopoly cases were initiated in 6 regions: the Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Kemerovo, the Republics of Tatarstan and Khakassia, as well as the Krasnodar regions. Additionally, based on the results of the examination of the materials of the inspection, a case was initiated against the largest sugar producer on the fact of coordinating retail chains to set retail prices for sugar.

In order to prevent violations of antimonopoly legislation, the Authority applies preventive measures – admonitions. The practice of issuing admonitions has a spot nature, in particular, it is issued to officials whose statements may have a negative impact on the market. Other entrepreneurs may perceive such statements as a guide to action and eventually lead to price increases in goods and services, even in the absence of economically justified reasons.

For the period from the beginning of March to the present, FAS has issued a number of admonitions to officials in the markets of tourist services, confectionery, and household appliances. All of them publicly predicted an increase in the cost of goods and services.

In the electronics and household appliances market, after the intervention of FAS, a number of retail chains fixed prices for certain items of goods at the level of early February 2022. In the children's goods market, the Detsky Mir network fixed the cost of individual items of clothing and shoes at the level of January 2022, as well as reduced the margins on individual products in the categories "baby food", "feeding and care", "diapers and hygiene" by an average of 16%.

FAS reminds that, regardless of the market situation, entrepreneurs should adhere to responsible, socially oriented market behavior. It is unacceptable to create an artificial shortage of products in order to maintain excessive demand and inflate prices.

Citizens can report price increases for socially significant goods to FAS hotline or to similar hotlines on the regional offices websites. According to the results of the analysis of information received from citizens, since the beginning of March this year, the regional offices have already issued 81 warnings, 15 preventions, and initiated 7 cases of violation of antimonopoly legislation.

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