05-05-2022 | 15:04

During the bilateral meeting, representatives of the Competition Commission of the South Africa were informed about techniques and details of the digital screening service developed by the FAS Russia to detect cartel conduct in certain markets.

Mr. Anton Teslenko, Head of the Department for Antimonopoly and Fiscal Control noted, that digital platform includes three independent modules, which are fully connected between each other that allows conducting complex data analysis, searching links between business entities and identifying suspicious procurement activity.

In addition, a lot of methodological and explanatory work is currently being carried out, including among the regional offices of the FAS Russia, aimed at improving the efficiency of the screening service: digital mechanisms, data from analytical system are being studied that will allow analyzing the activities of economic entities in commodity markets, primarily in socially significant ones.

At the end of the meeting, the participants decided to continue cooperation, learn best practices and exchange experience in the field of using digital technologies to identify and prove anticompetitive agreements in order to assist in improving the effectiveness of antitrust enforcement in Russia and South Africa.


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