18-04-2022 | 13:24

Andrey Sharonov, the Chairman of the Public Council of FAS, opened the session. The FAS's position on the items of the agenda was presented by the Stats Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS Sergey Puzyrevskiy and the heads of the relevant departments.

Sergey Puzyrevskiy noted that the state policy of curbing the growth of tariffs for the population will remain, and it will continue to be socially oriented.

Head of the Department for Industry Control Maria Babikova said that currently FAS is finalizing a draft of a new methodology for calculating the marginal cost of tech inspection, taking into account the views of operators and regulators.

The document is aimed at preservation of economic incentives of operators and accessibility of service of technical inspection for consumers.

During a public discussion of the draft methodology operators also submitted proposal for the abolition of regulation of the cost of inspection services. It will be carefully studied and worked out by FAS.

In addition, members of the Public Council discussed the proposals of "Opora Russia" on non-discriminatory access of small and medium enterprises to the services of digital platforms, including electronic trading platforms. According to FAS, digital platforms will contribute to the formation of open, transparent and non-discriminatory conditions for doing business.


For reference:

The Public Council is a permanent advisory and consultative body of public control.

Meetings of the Public Council under FAS are held at least every three months.

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