05-07-2022 | 15:13

FAS Russia discussed the issue of setting price premiums for medicine during the seminar with regional market participants

To calculate allowances for the entire region, it is extremely important to interview as many wholesale and retail organizations as possible about the actual data of their economic activities for the implementation of vital and essential medicines in the reporting period. At the same time, according to the methodology*, it is necessary to interview at least 15% of organizations in each region.

FAS Russia drew the attention of market participants to the need to interact with the regional offices of Roszdravnadzor to obtain information about the current situation with the circulation of medicines.

In addition, FAS Russia stressed the importance of continued cooperation with interested organizations that unite market participants to establish economically reasonable wholesale and retail surcharges to medicines prices.

Separately, FAS Russia reminded regional executive authorities of the need to regularly conduct an economic analysis of the impact of allowances on the activities of wholesale and retail organizations. In 2022, the regions may send new draft decisions for approval to FAS Russia if the result of their economic analysis of the organizations' activities demonstrates the need to change the established allowances.

Earlier, in connection with the adoption of a new methodology for establishing allowances, FAS Russia initiated a review by regional authorities of all price premiums for vital and essential medicines. According to the results, an increase in the assortment availability of medicine of the lower price segment is expected.


*Order of FAS Russia of September 9, 2020 No. 820/20 "On approval of the Methodology for Establishing by the Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation the Maximum Size of Wholesale Allowances and the Maximum Size of Retail Allowances to the Actual Selling Prices Set by Manufacturers of Medicines for Medicines Included in the List of Vital and Essential Medicines".

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