15-07-2022 | 16:32

Tariffs for heat contain three components – production, transmission and sales. The service proposes to distribute the method of standards for one part of the tariff – the marketing activities of companies.

Its essence lies in the fact that the company's expenses are normalized (limited) to carry out its activities without prejudice to consumers. As a result of the application of the method of standards, effective values of operating expenses of regulated organizations are established, which are objectively distributed in certain blocks.

For example, heat supply organizations can improve their work according to two criteria – price and quality, as they stimulate them to increase operational efficiency.

Thus, FAS will work on the formation of “competition on benchmarks” of sales activities among organizations in the field of heat supply. It will reduce intraregional and interregional differentiation of tariffs for heat.

The Authority emphasizes that the reference method will ensure the protection of the interests of all parties. For consumers of services, the quality standards of services provided at a non-discriminatory price will be met. Regulated organizations will ensure profitability of their activities by stimulating productivity and optimizing costs. At the same time, the transparency of tariff setting through digitalization will be ensured.

Besides, the administrative burden on regional tariff authorities, the business community and consumers will be reduced. The reference method allows to take into account a significant number of factors, to show how effectively the company's work is organized, and to determine the optimal structure of its costs.

At the same time, FAS notes that the procedure for determining the cost of heat for households does not change. Unjustified tariff increases will be suppressed.

The draft document, which contains standards for the application of the method of standards for heat supply companies, is placed on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

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